5x1000 C.F. 93011870545 Giovani Progettisti Crescono DUBLINO, EUROPA CONDIVISA GSI ITALIA Onlus Siamo un’organizzazione non governativa di cooperazione internazionale e di solidarietà territoriale formazione, integrazione della popolazione immigrata nella società civile ed educazione allo sviluppo Attività in Italia progetti di sviluppo e di aiuto nei paesi in via di sviluppo dell’Africa, dell’Asia e dell’America Latina Attività Internazionali Insieme possiamo fare la differenza, basta un piccolo gesto Sostieni i nostri progetti pROMise


today, brings with it fundamental transformations. In a context in which, due to peoples and ideas – as well as flows of goods and services – the reference points are constantly redefined, the pace of change does not always allow to identify what has remained unchanged within of different “civilizations”.
In this context GSI ITALIA works to build an international policy based on:

Respect for the other

in the absence of which no type of relationship can be imagined


at every level: between states, among peoples, among cultures, among individuals, between man and woman …


of any kind and in any field in which the companies named in the South have a particular “propositive”

GSI Italia

is a non-governmental organization of international co-operation and territorial solidarity founded in 1997. The association operates in the territory with training and awareness-raising projects on development and underdevelopment projects, active projects aimed at promoting human rights and works close to immigrant population by providing for measures of reception, protection and support by managing programs of lending and housing guarantees. GSI ITALIA is active in the field of international cooperation in several countries of the South of the World through development projects and distance support programs for disadvantaged communities.

Projects and activities

GSI ITALIA develops training and awareness-raising projects on issues of development and underdevelopment and promotes campaigns against racism and xenophobia. It activates programs, in Italy and abroad, aimed at the promotion of human rights; works close to the immigrant population with measures of reception, protection and support by providing legal advice, managing loan programs and housing guaranty, promoting training courses and delivering cultural linguistic mediation services within schools. Promotes Responsible Tourism and Fair Trade.

Completed projects
Projects in progress
People involved

Remote adoption and support for development projects

In the South of the world, millions of children live in difficult conditions, have no access to education, and their lives often occur at the limits of survival. Distance adoption is a gesture of solidarity with one of those children, their families, and their community.