in the district of Tshangu in the city of Kinshasa

Project description

The project is to contribute to the affirmation of fundamental rights of street children in Kinshasa especially little girls.

The project offer an answer though partial to their need of physical, health and food security, in a region of the city of Kinshasa, the “Commune” of Tshangu, with a high level of prostitution.

We want help their need of acute rescue with measures of hospitality, short term shelter and medical-legal-psychological assistance; ensure their early literacy, personal education and working ability; identify solutions of family and social reinsertion and long term residential; sensitize the local population and policy-makers to the problem of street children especially little girls.

  • Financiers: GSI Italia, CEI, Tavola Valdese, Aide aux Enfant en Situation Difficile (AESD)
  • Start year: 2016
  • Duration: 3 years
People helped by the beginning of the project

Goals achieved

Training of night bus staff.
Training of service personnel in the center.
Purchase of furnishings.
Construction of the multiservice and hospitality center: the center is animated uninterruptedly by project staff, consisting of staff with health and psychological skills, training and animation. Overall, the team consists of 6 people who will allow total daily and weekly coverage.
Purchase of land for the construction of the multifunctional center.
In the first year, a suitable facility was set up and rented for the establishment of the Reception and Multiservice Center. The center consists of the following areas: a welcome area, guarded 24h / 24h, within which the minors seeking help have the opportunity to speak with specialized staff, telling their own experiences and needs. Once the severity of the individual case is assessed, the project staff directed the little girl/girl to the Center for Listening and the care and care services as an external beneficiary or to the hospitality and residency in the facility; a “day” area, within which – besides the traditional common spaces in a home – there are environments to be used for recreational, educational and training activities; a “night” area, within which street little girls are accommodated. The capacity is about 40 beds, with a turnover of 3-6 months per stay per turn.
Partial Restyling of the OSEPER Street Children’s Center.
Identification and formation of “maman de rue”.
Organizing a two-week Festival.
Organization of a National Conference: “Street children of Kinshasa: what future?”
How much has been collected so far
Active projects


in Italy and over the world, we work through development projects and distance support programs for disadvantaged communities.